Final Fantasy XIII-2 is Gold, New Details Revealed

Final Fantasy XIII-2 looks to reclaim some ground for the Final Fantasy franchise, a name which has been sullied following the disapointing releases of both the original Final Fantasy XIII and the online title Final Fantasy XIV. This awkwardly titled sequel has a lot of expectations to live up to then, and with a final build of the game now completed, it will be the gamers who decide whether Square-Enix has redeemed their name. Director Motomu Toriyama recently spoke about the game in an interview with, sharing a few details in advance of the game's impending Japanese launch. Some of the highlights:

  • The main story is about 30 to 40 hours long, broken up into gameplay chapters ranging 2-3 hours in length.
  • Players are  encouraged to rewind time with the Historia Crux system. By screwing around with the time stream, players can unlock special events known as "Paradox Endings."
  • Players who beat the game retain a save just before the final boss battle, allowing them to continue using Historia Crux, unlocking events only available on this second playthrough.
  • The game will give a special item to players who have a save file from the original game. A special wallpaper will also be gifted to these players.
  • The game's first piece of DLC will a boss battle arena. Costume DLC is also a strong possibility. 
  • Chocobos can jump now!

Definitely some very interesting details, though what we're really interested in is getting that Lightning chick's number. Wow-za.
