Spider-man is the most popular super hero video game series, with games spanning all the way back to the age old days of Atari. With the release of Spiderman and Spider-man 2 on today’s current consoles the series is at its prime. With the present Spider-man movies being done by Sony Pictures there was expectancy for an announcement of a Spidey game for the PSP.
Little is known about this anticipated game, but in the demo reel for the PSP there was a short clip of the game. The graphics in the video looked like something you would see on the PS1, but on a smaller screen to reduce the jaggies. Because this was an announcement trailer for the PSP it is thought that the game will get a makeover before release. The special effects were comic book style, with flashes coming from hits and punches.
There wasn’t much audio in the demo, but what was there seemed up to par with expectancies. The punches and groans sounded a lot like the console versions do now, which still isn’t all that good. The background music did not seem like it would get on gamer’s nerves, as it was low volume background music with a small repetitive likeliness to it. The best example or comparison that can be given is Spider-Man: the Movie for the Playstation 2.
While nothing has been said about the story, it would make sense for it to follow the story line of the movie closely, but with extra baddies and bosses such as what you got with the console games. In the demo there was a short clip of Spider-man dueling with a common looking thug, but the thug’s life meter was displayed similar to the bosses in Spider-man 1 on the consoles.
Which brings up the next point: gameplay looks like Spider-Man: the Movie game played. It doesn’t appear to be a free-roaming city with random thugs, robberies, and children losing balloons. Instead it looks like linear levels and less-advanced swing physics. Of course the fighting and webbing that there is in the game looks like fun.
At this point the game looks pretty much hit or miss for Activision. Not enough is known about the title to make a clear speculation towards love or hate, but I would certainly love to love it. Spider-man is without a doubt has the best super hero games on the market right now and with a handheld powerful enough as the PSP this game could be something special. Look out for it sometime next year.