de Blob Dev: Wii MotionPlus Might Make Motion Controls Too Complex

The promise of true 1:1 motion control with the upcoming release of Nintendo’s Wii MotionPlus accessory might make things too complex for most Wii owners, according to de Blob producer Nick Hagger.

“I think if we had the MotionPlus to start out with, maybe the control scheme would have worked out a little bit differently,” said Hagger in a phone interview late last week. “I think the temptation with having Wii MotionPlus would have been to push it more in a gestural control scheme. While it’s definitely intellectually stimulating from a development perspective to play with those ideas — and I think it does appeal to a set of gamers out there — I think the majority of people that play on the Wii want something very simple that they can just immediately get their heads around.” — Nick Hagger to MTV Multiplayer

I think Haggar’s got a fair reasoning behind his thoughts, but after having personally tested out MotionPlus at E3 this past July in Wii Sports Resort, I believe the Wii Remote accessory can enhance the more casual experiences on the console just as much as more traditional ones. It all depends on how the developers decide to utilize it, of course.

Anyone else think Wii MotionPlus could make things too complicated for Wii’s audience?