Media: No More Heroes 2 – Goichi Suda Interview

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle Executive Producer Goichi Suda, perhaps better known to some fans as Suda51, has taken the time to sit down for a video interview in which he discusses the sequel to the innovative Wii title.

For the benefit of those who are unable to view the video, here are some excerpts from the interview:

He says that the story will be more serious and deeper than the original, but not too deep; it’s still going to be as “awesomely dumb” as the first game.

Not much has changed for Travis, following the events of the first game, but for the town of Santa Destroy, that’s not the case. A conglomerate by the name of “Pizza Butt” (if I’m understanding it right) has moved in and taken over.

Now, Travis is out against a new batch of assassins, not just due to Sylvia, but also to avenge his friend.

Following the complaints of fans about the open-world structure of the first game, they are “definitely” going to improve it for NMH2. In addition, they’re tuning the enemy AI so that there will be more variety in the enemies and how they fight. They are also tweaking the physics engine, so “you should see some cool stuff relating to that, too.”

The first No More Heroes had ten boss fights, and while Suda declined to mention how many the sequel would contain, he did say fans should expect “more than that.” In addition, they’ve created some more innovative situations for the ranking battles, and they may not always be limited to one-on-one fighting.

As for MotionPlus, they would like to implement it as a new feature. The system in No More Heroes had button presses for sword swipes and controller motions for other moves, and they’re going to try to “level up” the system to make it even cooler.

The girl in the trailer with the glasses is a big fan of Travis, and so in order to meet him, becomes an assassin herself.

Travis’s cat, Jeane, will be back, but perhaps with more weight, and they’re thinking of making a mini-game in which you put her on a diet. They also wish to make it “even better than Ubisoft’s Petz titles.”

You’ll still get to crash in Travis’s hotel room, but they may make it so you can do more, perhaps even redecorate a bit. His bike also returns, but you can expect it to be suped-up a bit more this time; “sort of like a mark II.”

They say they are going to try to make the sequel as successful as possible, and they don’t want Travis to lose to any other titles when the sequel hits in 2010.