Igarashi Involved in Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth, But It’s Not His Secret Game

As the month has rolled on, we’ve seen and learned more about Konami’s new WiiWare title, Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth, which is scheduled for a release in Japan by the end of the month, but likely won’t be playing on our television screens soon enough for my liking.

The latest bit of info is that longtime Castlevania Producer and mastermind Koji “IGA” Igarashi is involved in the game. And while the timing is right, the game is not IGA’s secret project that was said to be revealed at the Tokyo Game Show, yet did not surface.

“Iga was involved in the development of Castlevania: Rebirth, however we aren’t ready to share any details on Iga’s next project just yet,” Kotaku was told by Konami U.S. spokesman Jay Boor, who asked them to “Please stay tuned.”

It may also be worth noting that Igarashi received “Special Thanks” in the WiiWare title Contra ReBirth, which may lead one to believe this is an ongoing thing for him. But as to his next project, we’ll just have to wait until Konami deems us ready to know. But even if it isn’t Castlevania, at least it looks like Lords of Shadow is in capable hands.