Microsoft: “Less Than 1%” of Users are Affected by Scratched Xbox 360 Discs

A few days ago, news broke of a document which revealed that Microsoft was aware of the issue at hand with moving an Xbox 360 console while a disc is running in the drive. Over 55,000 have issued complaints, leading to the filing of a class-action lawsuit against the company.

But according to Microsoft, only a very small number of users have encountered this problem. 55,000? A small number? Oh, you enormous corporate types…

“While we have had some users contact us with concerns about scratched discs, it is much less than 1 percent of the total Xbox 360 user base,” a Microsoft spokesperson told Edge in a statement.

The rep continued, “Xbox 360 is designed so that it will not damage a game disc as long as the console is not moved while the disc is spinning. Too much movement of any game console, not just Xbox 360, can cause scratches on a disc.” — Edge Online

As regards their knowledge of the issue before releasing the console into the waiting arms of the public, the rep added:

“That’s why we put a warning on the face of the disc tray, which the user has to physically remove before the initial use of the system. We also have warnings posted online and in hard copy instruction manuals.”

What do you think? Is that method of informing people sufficient? Or should they have simply made a device that wouldn’t ruin the medium it plays?