Ghost Trick lands on iOS

If you played Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, Capcom's awesome Nintendo DS puzzler, then you know just how much fun and clever the whole thing is. Capcom announced today that the game had landed on iOS platforms. That's right, Apple handhelds are getting yet another worthwhile title, which is always great news.

The game is priced quite interestingly. While the first two chapters are free, you can pay for the rest of the game in different ways. Chapters three to seven will run you five bucks, as will chapters eight through thirteen. Or you can just pay 10 clams for the whole game. It's really up to you.

Ghost Trick runs on the iPod Touch 3G and iPhone 3 or higher. And for those of you who just want to put that iPad to good use, well, don't worry, because you're covered.

Check out Ghost Trick on the iTunes App Store. You get the first two chapters free, so you might as well check it out. I mean, that's an awesome demo experience if I've ever seen one. So stop reading this and go download the game now.