The iTunes App Store has become a festering home for copycat apps based on licensed franchises. We've seen them all, from Plant vs Zombie to Ultimate iZelda Climb. It's actually quite ridiculous when you really think about how awful some of these blatant knock-offs are.
It seems that Apple has finally started getting rid of these of wannabe titles. Games such as Angry Ninja Birds and Temple Jump have been removed from the US and UK App Stores. It's a good thing, too, because those are horrible rip-offs.
A lot of these fakes were created by some douchebag named Anton Sinelnikov. Sorry, buddy, but youre games are getting the axe, and rightfully so, ya plagiarizing bastard! According to Develop, 61 of Sinelnikov's 70 apps have been removed.
A lot of the fakes you find on the App Store have actually gone on to become chart toppers. That's just horrible, and it's a shame that these copyright-infringing pieces of garbage are so darn popular. It's good to see Apple (finally) doing something about it, though.