The upcoming League of Legends patch will include a visual update to Summoner's Rift that is significant to players that use "low or very low" settings.
While Riot hopes all players will like the new look of the map, players should also see a better frame rate on the map, especially on low settings.
"It will completely depend on your computer and settings, but we've seen as much as double the old frame rate," Phreak said in the Darius patch preview. As a result, you will probably have to reset the settings for what's best on your computer.
In addition, some changes to head's-up display will also result in an improved frame rate no matter what settings your on. Small visual changes include new icons, more readable text, and better looking art along with minion kills showing up near your kill and death ratio.
Other improvements in patch include changes to Normal Draft and Solo/Duo Rank, a new Ashe model, Turret changes, and a brand new item. Find out more in the Darius patch preview video.