Kevin Smith reveals his favorite video game

Speaking to Edge, filmmaker and comic book writer Kevin Smith — who's also executive producer and actor on AMC's television show Comic Book Men — confessed his favorite video game.

"But my favorite game of all time — this dates me incredibly, and most people will be like, 'What?!' — was a sidescroller game: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends," he said. "I was a huge Rocky and Bullwinkle fan, and the graphics on the game were amazing. The playability was incredible. It looked like a living cartoon. … Not only did I beat it, I went back and beat it twice."

The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friend debuted in 1992 and made its way onto the Game Boy and NES first and then the SNES and Sega Genesis. Smith even recalled an area of particular interest in the game.

"There was a mountain level that I hated and loved at the same time," he said. "Eagles would drop eggs on your head. If you did not follow that pattern, you were never getting off that f*cking board. And learning that pattern was one of the most frustrating and rewarding moments of my life. … I honestly felt better about that than I did for winning an award for Chasing Amy."

What's your favorite game of all time?

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