We may never get to play 8-Bitham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter due to the fact that it's not actually a thing, but that doesn't mean we have to go without some kick-ass Abraham Lincoln action. Pixel Lincoln: The Deckbuilding Game may not exactly be a video game, but it certainly has the look of one.
The game, based on an upcoming DS title, revolves around a time-traveling Abe Lincoln. Pixel Lincoln features several elements seen in video games, which makes it quite a clever card-based game. It's also delightfully absurd, and you'll have to progress by using Abe Lincoln's beard to pummel your foes, take on skateboarding dinosaurs, and use meaty weapons. Seriously, you use items made out of meat to fight baddies.
Pixel Lincoln has already reached its Kickstarter goal, and as of this writing, it's more than doubled its expected funding. While I've never actually played a deckbuilding game before, I'm curious to see how this one turns out. It certainly looks like a lot of fun, and thanks to its art style, it has a lot of the charm that classic NES and SNES titles are so cherished for.
I'd say keep a lookout for Pixel Lincoln, because it looks like it could be a lot of fun for both deckbuilding fanatics and gamers looking to get into something a little different.
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