Back in March an indie platformer titled Vessel landed on Steam. The game stars a man named Arkwright who's quite the inventor. He's such an inventor that he created some living liquid machines that are now causing a bunch of problems in the world. Now it's up to Arkwright (kick-ass name, by the way) to stop those blasted inventions of his.
Vessel was released for $14.99, and given the praise it received from critics, it's obvious that price was well worth it. Of course, if you can get a good game for a lot cheaper than its original asking price, that's pretty damn sweet. So if you're looking for a fun puzzle platformer, you'll be glad to know that Vessel is currently marked down to $4.99.
As of this writing, there are 20 hours left on this deal. So yeah, take a look at Vessel and see if you'd like to spend five bucks on it. I'd certainly say it's worth it. Hell, it's worth the $14.99 price it's usually marked at. $4.99 is just a steal.
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