New Resistance trailer picks on the Nintendo 3DS

Sony sure is proud of their Vita's second analog stick, as evidenced by the latest trailer for Resistance: Burning Skies, where they seem to be poking fun at Nintendo's own portable console, the Nintendo 3DS. After all, the ad seems to be declaring the lack of a second thumbstick as only "half the (console FPS) experience," what other console is currently known for only offering a single analog stick? This ad comes right after the announcement that Nintendo's handheld is already slated to recieve a hardware redesign, which despite the extra hardware space, will still lack that second stick. C'mon Nintendo, don't let Sony razz you like that!

Of course, Sony could've picked a better game than the critically-panned Resistance: Burning Skies to make their point. Argument falls flat when the "console FPS experience" got a 6/10 on most sites…