Xbox 360 releases Election 2012 Hub

I have to admit, I fully support this move by Microsoft.  On the Xbox 360, Microsoft is releasing an Election 2012 LIVE Hub.  This will be an interactive experience that will show live election coverage for the presidential debates.  Users will also be able to learn facts about candidates and issues, will be able to register to vote, and be able to participate in daily polling.  The first wave of content will be released on August 27th.

Marc Whitten, corporate vice president of the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft, said “We want to provide our passionate Xbox LIVE community with a great way to experience the election process with TV that makes them participants — and not just viewers.  This is a great example of how our Xbox capabilities are making the promise of interactive television a reality.”

What a great concept.  Especially for the younger crowd, putting election information on the forefront of a video game console is genius.  It’s no surprise that our youth is pretty ignorant of political issues so why not combine gaming with the elections?

In all honesty, the majority of people will probably completely ignore this hub altogether.  For the percent that actually interacts with it, I say it is completely worth it though. I full-heartedly support attempts like this to educate people on politics through non-conventional means.  By Microsoft attempting this, it shows they are trying to make a difference at least.


Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ