Skurky's Law Operation Sledgehammer One of a Kind Blackwater Park Countdown Absolution
.Skurky's Law
Move out of the Courtroom and go up the stairs around the corner to the right. Head to the Library and wait for the Security Guard to come out of the door on the left. Once he's gone, head into the Library and wait around the door for the Usher to come in. When he does take him out and take his disguise.
Head back into the Courtroom via the upstairs gallery. When the video evidence starts rolling, the Security Guard in front of the monitor to the left will leave the room. Turn the television off and there'll be a five min recess. Head downstairs and make your way around the left side of the Courtroom and into Judge's room. You'll have to make use of Instinct to avoid alterting the other Usher at the other side of the room.
Subdue the Judge take his clothes and hide him in the closet. Leave the Courtroom and head into the Security Room over to your left. Head into the room on the left and take the Keycard from the desk, then return to the Courtroom and open the locked door to the right of the bench. You'll have to pick the lock on the door behind, and you can do it once the Security Guard removes himself from view.
Holding Cells
Head down into the
holding cells proper and wait for your escort to leave. This leaves you with two Security Guards, one of which patrolling and the other following your every move. Take the fire extinguisher nearby upstairs and throw it next to the locker. When the guard goes to check it out, head over to the exit and pick the lock while the other Security Guard has his back turned.
No disguise will work here so be ready…
Wait for the officer outside to move away. Now, crouch and go ahead. You can take out the three officers in the room to the right who are hurting the poor guy who inturn reveals the code to open a safe which grants you with great guns but if you don't want the negative points just sneak past the lot. When you see the officer who is inside the control room move over to the red button and then move back, it's your time to sneak in behind him and press the red button. Then return to your hiding place. When the officer comes to the corner follow him back around and head through the now opened door.
Stop at the first door on the right and wait for the officer to turn around, then continue on your way. Sneak around the next corner and climb the ladder, then follow the walkway around to the next one. Climbing down the ladder will attract some attention, so just slide so that you move quicker. Head around the corner behind you. At the top of the stairs, shoot the padlock on the door with your ballers, then pick the lock on the one behind it to end the level.
Operation Sledgehammer
County Jail
Break yourself free and move ahead to the fire alarm on the other side –
Go back to the seat once you activate the alarm and wait for a guard to come attend to it. Go at him and disguise yourself. Go up the stairsand you'll come to another officer who's on the phone, you can take the power cord here as a replacment for your fibre wire but I doubt you'll need it. You can subdue him and move ahead to a checkpoint. Then go thru the vent next to the medicine box –
Come out the other side and wait for the cop to move away. Now, you'll need some instinct to get past the next two cops to get you ballers and then move out of this place. Or you can stop and distract each of them and get your ballers and then move out.
Get close to and take cover infront of the black agency SUV and take the knife here –
Throw the knife a bit to the right of the guard who is standing infront of the ladder to the left ahead and go up the ladder when he moves to investigate –
Once you come down the other side, you can activate a checkpoint. This next area needs a lot of concentration and focus because you can get caught really easily.
Go down and take cover behind the wall and watch the patrolling grunt and when his back is truned, pick an empty bottle and move ahead behind the low cover all the way to the left end of the street. Here you'll come across another grunt straight ahead and one more guy is partolling right across the street to the right. You need to be very quick and watch the movement of the grunt to the right of the street and when he is turning to the right, move ahead and subdue or garrote the grunt and take his clothes. You can also shoot cars with your ballers to cause alarms and create a distraction for the group of guards ahead. Stick close to the cars even after you have the disguise and move from cover to cover as the guards ahead are come back on the road. As you reach the other end, you can go thru to the next area.
Make your way around to the left and head through the door and go down the stairs. When you reach the warehouse, two Agency Heavy Troopers will enter through the shutter on the right. Keep to the right and take cover behind one of the shelves. When a Heavy Trooper comes past, subdue him and take his disguise. His body can be stashed in the container to the right of the door he came through. Head through that door and head around to the left, blending in all the way, until you reach the room at the end. If you're low on Instinct, you can climb the ladder and use the scaffolding to move across as much of the room as possible, then make your way around from there. The exit to the warehouse is over to the right. Outside the warehouse, make your way up the stairs and into the building. Take the next set of stairs up and pick the lock on the door at the top.
Hope Fair
Subdue the sniper and move into the next room where his rifle is stashed.
This is probable the toughest area in the game and if you really think you are good at sneaking then you ought to get past this area without any trouble.
Head out the door and down the stairs. Move to the left, using the stalls as cover. Wait behind the first stall until the Heavy Troopers enter the bar, then continue along and up onto the stage, using the tables as cover. Once you're down the steps at the other side, take cover against the barrel and wait for the Heavy Trooper to walk away. Once you reach the last stall on this side, wait for the Grunt to walk away, then vault the carts and continue down the left side. Use the cover to get as far along as possible, then break out Instinct and walk towards the exit in the top-left corner. From where you are, it's not a long walk, so even a small amount of Instinct will do.
Go into the church and give Skyrky a head shot…
One of a Kind
Follow Tom and wear the new suit. You can go into the basement for more fun suits to try on and there's evidence on the desk to the left of the store.
Blackwater Park
Head around to the right into the gardens and sneak your way down that side. Once you're through the arch, wait until the Guard is gone, then move along the left wall until you're in view of the ground planter. Keep going until you see the booth at the top of the ramp. Hop over the small barrier to avoid detection from the two guys near the door, then move over to the Plumber's van. When the Plumber comes back to tinker with the pump, lure him over to the black car by throwing the Remote Explosives. Subdue and strip him, then hide his body in the hopper near his van.
Head into Blackwater via the back door and head around until you reach the checkpoint marker at the top of the stairs. Make a right in the lobby and head out into the corridor. The room in front you come to is the security room, and over on the left side, near the window, is the terminal that will deactivate the retinal scanner on the elevator. There's a guard who constantly comes near the terminal and checks over it –
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There are usually three Guards in the room, but one will occasionally head into the lobby. When he does, there will be a brief moment when the remaining Guards will have their backs to you – one at the bookcase opposite the terminal and one at the map on the far side of the room. Sneak through the left doorway and tamper with the computer. Return to the lobby and call the elevator.
Move to the left and go along the ledge. Keep going and when you come out the door you'll come to a large hall. There should only be one security guard here to the right near the foot of the stairs. Subdue him and drag him back outside the door you came from and disguise yourself. If he dropped a keycard then take it if not, go back and hide behind the low desk infront of the door you were just using –
Wait for another guard to come (usually from the left) and take his card and dump his body too. One thing is that, you can stay covered here for as long as you want to because Layla eventually comes into this room with her guards. When she does, you can shoot her in the head with the ballers and immediately move out thru the back door leading to the elevator shaft which you were just using. Do it quickly or you may get spotted. Anyway, drop down the elevator now and hide behind it wall. Wait for a proper moment or distract the enemies ahead or just use instinct to cover yourself and move to the right to the locked door and open it. The panic room is to the left here –
Go in and pick up the phone…. then watch the great cutscene..
Blackwater Roof
Now finally, to Dexter…
Crouch and move ahead in the fog slowly. Carefully subdue the guard and take his outfit and dump him thru the sun panels –
Be very careful while moving thru this area since even at the slightest suspicion, Dexter blows up the roof. You can use instinct or diversion to move ahead to the next place where you'll find the checkpoint. After you come to the checkpoint, slowly move to the right of the roof ahead and you'll come to a door you can use to get up to Dexter. This door bypasses the proximkity mines so don't miss it. The way you move is really up to you. If you have enough instinct then you can just stroll thru the entire area but if you are low on it then you need to move slowly while crouched causing diversion whenever you can. Once you come to Dexter, there's nothing much to do.
Cemetery Entrance
Quickly head down the stairs behind you and swap cover to the other side of the doorway. When the Grunt comes in, make him sleep and take his disguise then drag him to the side of the doorway –
Climb out of the window to the right and make your way down the right, using the gravestones as cover. When you reach the second one, wait until the two Grunts part ways, then follow the one heading right and push him into the grave. Head down the stairs and keep as far right as possible as you make your way along. Once you're up the next set of steps, grab the Book to the left and use it to distract the Grunts so you can sneak up the next set, then you'll want to head left and down the next set. Cover is difficult, so quickly make your way down the next set of stairs to shake them off. Hide behind the planter closest to the exit door until the Grunt there walks off. Amusingly enough, he'll walk over to where you're hiding, so you'll have to head around the other side of the planter to reach the door, which is locked and needs picking.
Burnwood Family Tomb
Move ahead and run while crouched to behind one of the stones when you see the two guards talking ahead of you. Now, move to the right where you see another guard and throw somehting to distract him, there's a dogbone to the right here, then subdue him and take disguise. Now, move ahead and you should find some proximity mines. Take one and head straight and into the tunnel. If you use instinct then you can see that the columns are shown in yellow, which means they are weak. So plant the mine here and go back and to the left where the exit is. You can wait it out here since the only person to come thru the tunnel is Jade and she will bury herself. Go thru the gate after you are done with here.
Move ahead while crouched and use instinct to look around. You will see that the place is littered with laser mines so you'll need to be carefull where you are going. The area far ahead has three Praetorians. If you have your sniper you can use it to kill them off from a distance – I really don't know way the last mission of the game is this easy, but you can kill all of the Praetorians with any gun in a heartbeat no matter how close or far you are from them. If you don't have the sniper then stay crouched and move ahead all the way and climb up the ledge –
You can climb up after the guy passes, take cover and then give him a head shot. If you see more than one of them at a time then use point shooting. The end game is really easy though. After you kill them, pick up the explosives at the foot of the main crypt and place it on the door.
Enjoy all the revelations and cutscenes after the game…
Welcome to Hope
Birdie's Gift
Shaving Lenny
End of the Road
Dexter Industries
Death Factory
Fight Night
Attack of the Saints
Victoria's Ward
Keep going ahead till you come to the elevator and then move left into the curtains and wait for the two thugs to pass you and get into the elevator –
Orphanage Halls
Grab the ledge, but don't pull yourself all the way as the two enemies will still be talking. Once they start moving, they stop after a couple of paces and talk again. After that, get up and choke the man talking on the phone and take his disguise and fump his body in the laundry container to the left.
Go thru the room to the right as the three henchmen beat up the guy tied to the chair. Now, you will be able to see that there's only one fuse on this floor. Grab it first as it's nearby and has no threats along the way. There's one enemy nearby so subdue him and dump his body in one of the containers.
Make your way downstairs and activate the checkpoint at the bottom. Move to the right and make your way down the corridor. As you approach the corner, you'll see a vent on the wall to the right. Enter it, and when you reach the end of it, wait for the enemy to head around the other side of the counter. Get out and grab the second Fuse which is located on a table at the back of the area –
Head through the door opposite the Fuse and follow the corridor around to the right until you reach an office with some thugs. The third Fuse is sitting on the table to the right as you enter the room –
Head back to the vent now. When entering the kitchen, hug the counter and swap cover across the gap. It may be unnecessary, but it will potentially avoid you being spotted by the patrolling enemy. Before exiting the vent, wait for two enemies to pass by. Enter the Chapel and hug the pew to the left. To the right of the statue on the left wall is a secret door. Head through it and grab the last Fuse off the shelving unit, then continue through the doorway and into the room across the corridor. Head around into the generator room and set the Fuses into the box, then pull the lever next to it to finish the objective.
Central Heating
The first part of this area is really easy and has nothing much to do. Just move past the guards and keep crouched. Keep going and eventually, you'll come to Wade. After you find him, he fires at you just to let you know he's been expecting you. Make your way down into the boiler room and head around the back of the console over to the right. Shut off the steam using the valve handle –
Then crawl through the vent the steam was blocking –
When you emerge from the vent, follow the path around until you reach a second valve handle. Turn it and watch the fun -06 40 03
Welcome to Hope
The Hope Bouncers won't let you through into the main bar area so head into the toilets on your right and pull the lever next to the door –
This will start a bar fight. As you make your way towards the bar, you'll be accosted several time by rowdy patrons and staff members. There's no need to hold back now since your just another member in the fight. Once you reach the bar, talk to the bartender.
Birdie's Gift
You have two choices available to get your guns back. You can either participate in a contest and fairly win them back, or you can steal them. If you wish to participate in the contest, take one of the guns nearby from the shelves. Assault Rifles do good. Once you're happy with your selection, head over to the woman on the firing range.
After the cut-scene, you can start the contest by activating the booth to the left. The aim of the game is to beat Lilly's score of 471 within two minutes. The score you get for shooting a target is decided by your accuracy. A fully-centred headshot gives 20 and so on.
If you're using Instinct, build up your meter with headshots, then go crazy in Point Shooting mode when multiple targets appear at once – you can see the prompt which asked you to enter the point shooting mode on the screen. Without Instinct, it's borderline impossible to come close to matching her score. If you win you can take the silver ballers and get out of this place.
If you're having trouble or you just don't feel like it, there's an easier way. In the top right corner of the store is a small indoor shooting range. On the right side of the room is a vent –
In the office at the other side, wait until the old man comes in –
Subdue him and dump him in the closet. The Notebook he drops will give you the combination to the safe nearby. The safe in will give you the Key that opens the strongbox containing your Silverballers outside. Return to the store and sabotage the junction box in the bottom right corner of the store, then retrieve your guns and exit the shop.
Shaving Lenny
Streets of Hope
This one's great. From where you start, look back and take the empty bottle at the back of the alley. Then move ahead and head into the Cherry Donut shop to the right ahead –
Inside you'll find some guy guarding steps, stad behind him and throw the bottle at the wall and when he moves, crouch behind him and go up the steps. That guy also comes up the steps next, but you can hide in the locker at the top of the steps and then subdue him and dump his body as he passes you. Now, in this room, you'll find the Ilyon R700 sniper. Pick it up and go back down and out the same door you came in from. Now, move into the Green Mountain convenience store opposite the alley –
As soon as you enter, crouch and switch on the radio here and move from the right. The store worker moves to the radio, take this oppurtunity to go up the stairs which are to the right of the store – stay crouched and move. After you go up, immediately go into the cupboard ahead and hide in it. Wait for a while and Tyler Colvin eventually comes into the room and walks to the window and starts speaking on his phone. Go out and garrote him for additional points. Then hide his body in the locker. Now, move to the window where he was and wait for the next guy to show up on top of the repair store across the street and snipe him –
Now go back onto the street and move to the right till you come to this house –
This is a restricted area and you are not allowed inside, so let's go in. Now, throw a bottle or something into the room behind the guard here and crouch past him –
Crouch past the rest of the guys carefully and watch out for the cop here too. Now, come to the other side and you will see a transformer. You can rig it's power cord which is to the right to the fence here –
Now, pull the lever and move back to your hiding place behind the cars to the left –
Wait for Gavin to go past the gate – sometimes the power trips and you will need to use the lever again once Gavin passes thru the gate to electrocute him. Or you can also wait nearby and Garrote him. After he's dead, move thru the gate and distract or subdue the office here and go into the door.
Sneak around to the left and climb down. There's a cop guarding the door, so sneak to the end of the area and the grab the Wrench, then use it to lure him to a position where you can subdue him and take his clothes. Hide him in one of the dumpsters here to the left. Now, on the wall to the left of where you found the wrench are wirech which can come loose once you have the wrench. After you loosen the wires, pull the lever –
You can wait nearby till the first target comes here and takes a piss on the wall and see what happens. Go in from the door nearby and make your way around and up the stairs, then keep to the left side of the room and enter the barbershop at the end. You'll have to pass several cops but you'll be fine so long as you don't stop moving.
Take the barber disguise found on the table at the foot of the stairs –
then head back out into the main room and approach Lenny. After he's finished talking to you, he'll head off for a haircut. Follow him and subdue him once he's in the chair. Drag him out of view of the door, and head back into the main area.
In the main area to the left is a cooking stove, go to it and release the gas –
and move into the room to the right from here and wait for the next target to get to the stove and lean against the wall. You can use your silver ballers to shoot at the gas and make it explode – since the ballers are silenced, you won't be detected –
Also,there's another way to kill him. The empty room you wait is nice and quiet, and Luke is the only one that passes this way. As long as the outside is closed and he doesn't make it to the corner, you'll be free to garrote him and hide his body in the container to the left. Now get back to Lenny and drag his body to the exit door.
End of the Road
All you need to do is decide whether to kill Lenny or keep him alive…. look around for stuff too.
Dexter Industries
Dead End
Trigger the car alarm to lure the Factory Guard away from his station then take cover and wait for him to arrive. When he does, subdue him and take his disguise, then hide him in the storage crate in front of the cabin. You can get spotted while hiding him, so you'll have to wait until the patrolling Guard has his back turned towards you. Climb through the window and deactivate the security system using the large console on the right, then climb out of the window at the back. Keep making your way down the right side of the area, using the cars and low wall as cover. At the end of the wall, you'll have to come out of cover, but as long as you stay as far to the right as possible there won't be trouble.
When you reach the next cabin, hang back by the car until the conversation between the Guards ends and one of them moves away. Then climb though the window and disable the security system. Climb out of the window and take cover against the low wall to the left. While the Guard over to the right is examining the locker, sneak over and enter the building. In the room to the left, you'll find Evidence in front of the monitors. There'll be a Guard there, so either sneak past him or blend in until he's gone. Over to the right of where you entered is the exit.
Old Mill
Make your way up the stairs and sabotage the fusebox over to the left when you come to it –
Take cover against the wall to the right and wait for the Guard to come up and investigate, at which point you should subdue him and stash his body in the locker outside. Make your way down into the room he came from. Grab the Evidence from the top of the television –
Head towards the stairs. Hide behind the machinery to the right until the Guard comes down, then sneak up behind him. At the top of the stairs there's no danger so continue to the exit after you move past the ledge.
Follow the path right and down until you reach the ledge, then start making your way along it. There's a Guard blocking the window, so climb down and keep moving left until you can climb again. Keep heading down and around until you get to the lowest place. Grab the Gasoline Can from near the railing and throw it into the room. While the Guards are distracted, walk over to the desk and grab the Evidence then head down the stairs opposite the desk. You'll have to blend in if you hope to avoid being spotted.
Head down the stairs opposite you and activate the checkpoint –
Continue down the next set of stairs and wait at the bottom for the two Guards to finish talking and exit thru the locked gate. Pass through the gate behind them and follow them around to the briefing. Use the available cover to get over to the computer in the middle of the area, then use it to blend in. Once the briefing is over, wait for half a minute and then break your cover and head for the door, and blend in all the way. Head right and wait for the Guards around the corner to walk off, then head around the corner and take the second left. Follow the two Guards and stay behind cover until they head back to their posts, then pull the lever near to where they were standing –
Head down the stairs over to the left and activate the generator at the bottom to power the elevator and use the elevator –
Factory Compound
Head up and outside and wait for the guard ahead to move to the right. Go ahead and hide behind the carts when you get to the rail lining and then wait for the guard ahead to move to the left. Crouch and go right and hang down from the edge and move along the edge like that to the right all the way –
Head right as you come off the rails and activate the checkpoint. Crawl through the vent to the left, and head right into the building. Once inside, trigger the car alarm. The guard outside will come in. Subdue him and just drag behind a car for now. The Arms Dealer will be coming over here in a while to take a phone call. Wait with your back to the right side of the doorway until he comes close enough around the corner. After you've subdued him, take his suit and hide both bodies in the storage crate outside the side door. The Arms Dealer disguise is special and no one will recognize you.
Head outside and move across to the Dexter Industries building. Grab the Evidence from behind the main desk then go to the elevator and call it. When it arrives, wait for the Guard to get out before entering.
Death Factory
Test Facility
Enter the room to the right at the ned of the corridor. Grab the Keycard from the table (the glass is one way so they can't see you) –
Then head out and through the locked door around the corner. Trigger the fire alarm and hide behind the nearby display case –
Once the Guard is checking the alarm subdue him and leave him where he's lying. Return to the observation room and place yourself behind the Guard and take cover below the window and shoot out the window, then subdue him before he can react. Grab the Stolen Files from the table, then use them to access the computer in the observation room –
Take a disguise from one of the Guards, then head through the doors and make your way around to the elevator. At the bottom, head left and climb the ladder –
Make your way down the right side of the area, using the cover to avoid the Guards, and head right. When making your way along, you can crouch-run to move quicker and decrease the detection time. At the end, head into the room on the right, then move to the left left and head downstairs. The Guards have their backs turned, so sneak past them and climb through the window. Sabotage the fusebox to your right, then give it a few seconds and climb back through the window. Use the computer to disable the security system –
Then make your way back upstairs and wait for Dr Green. When he moves past you, Garrote him and dump him in the locker. The exit is located to the right of the elevator you came down by.
Sneak down the corridor along the right wall until pass the staff room. In the locker room, head left and enter the showers. Turn the valve in front of you to fill the room with steam –
While the locker room Guard is distracted and the Scientist is in the toilet, lure the Researcher through the doorway you entered by throwing something (plunger?) then subdue him and take his clothes and dump him. Head back into the locker room and then into the staff area. The computer on the desk can be used to disable the security system. Exit the room and head up the stairs to the right to reach the exit.
NOTE: There a special achievement in this mission for which you need to get to the canteen –
Inside you'll find a girl in a bikini and a large cake. Subdue the chick and move her somewhere behind one of the desks to the left. Now, wait inside the cake and see what happens. After a while, some people come in to celebrate a party and after they yell "Happy Birthday" for the second or third time, you can pop out and make a point shooting and kill everyone –
Then take the clothes of the scientist and you can move thru the level without any difficulty as it's special.
This can be really fun. Once you come out on the gangways. Move to the top parts and in the third room from the top, you'll find some fire paste –
Now, move into the room to the left from this one and here you'll find a baldness cure –
You know what to do. Wait for Valentin to come here and watch the fun. Now go down all the way to where the second guy is. You need to move carefully here as there are a lot of scientists and can reconize you if you are reckless. Once you come down, it's better to move from the left to where two scientists are and blend in past them and turn the valve you come to –
The area will be filled with steam. Now, crouch and move behind your target. Garrote him to death and dump his body over the rails. This has to be done within 30 secs after you turn the valve and don't forget to remain crouched. Now, move back towards the vavle and forward from there to the console and hit the panel and hide behind one of the low covers to avoid detection. Once the bridge comes up take it and hit the switch to go down. In the next area, sabotage the two fuses and move thru the complete the mission.
Fight Night
Patriot's Hangar
This particular mission provides a unique circumstance. There are two ways you can go thru the first area and depending on what you do, you'll need to go thru a different scenario in the next mission.
– The most fun way to do it-
Move ahead and head left from the front of the trailer. Grab the Teddy off the seat, then take cover against the front of the trailer. If you attract attention from any Guards, you'll need to bluff your way out with Instinct. After a short time, The Patriot will notice his bear is missing. He'll send his guards to search for it. This is the time to get him. You'll need to Garrote him and kill him or you'll get caught easily.
Drag his body behind the trailer and hide it in the storage crate, then take his costume. There's no one to stop you now so walk back and knock on the door with the red carpet to get to the next area.
– The other way –
Move left and from behind the crates to the left of the area move behind the trailer and look between the two crates to get the keycard –
Now, go back and use the card on the main door and keep going to the next place.
– The Fun way –
If you took Patriot's costume then you'll just get into the ring with Sanchez and unlike the last time, you can take him out provided you hit the right buttons at the right time. You'll also need to take back your silver ballers from the couter next to the exit after you defeat him.
– The other way –
If you came into the crowd then move ahead and look to the right to the bar. Move behind to the left behind the guy and crouch past him into the door to his left –
You'll come to two guards, wait for their coversation to get over and use something to distract the guard ahead and subdue him. Move thru and you'll come to two more guys. Wait for them to move away and hit the lighting switch here –
Then go back the way you came and change into the guard outfit if you still have not and move to the exit and end the mission.
Attack of the Saints
Parking Lot
Head thru the debris and squeez between the rubbish and take the disguise when you come across it – this will change you into your suit. Now, keep going and you will come out to the open on top of the parking lot. Without wasting even a second, crouch and run to the left and hide in the locker which comes to the left in the end. Wait for the guards to come along with one of the saints and wait for the saint and guards to move past you. Then move out and garrote the saint. She will be behind the guards so you'll not have any trouble killing her. Garrote her and dump her body in the locker you were hiding in. Now, move thru the area from where this saint came and as you go there you can also use your silver ballers to give the saint standing below a head shot.
Since your pistol is silenced, you'll get the bonus anyway or you can just wait and not kill her now she will move to the exit and you can garrrote her there too. Once you are on the steps heading down, crouch and stick to the wall of the steps and observe the enemies ahead – you will have passed a checkpoint just now. There's a lone gunman ahead to the left throw something to cause a diversion or shoot a car with your ballers to cause the alarm and crouch past the guard and go behind the bus and keep going to the left while crouch and you will pass thru the are wihout any trouble. Now, if you did not kill the second saint earlier then she will be roaming here to the left of the exit –
You can garrote her here and move thru the exit to end this part.
Move ahead and stay crouched to avoid being noticed. Move behind the cover just behind the counter where the saint is talking to the guard –
You need to be careful or you'll be spotted here. Even as the saint is speaking you can hit Q to attack her and pull her body to behind the counter. Move past the counter and subdue the guard here and dump him in the freezer in the middle. Take his disguise first and move out carefully from the left of the guard ahead who is talking to the store owner. Use your silver ballers to shoot any car and cause the alarm to cause a diversion. Move from the left and eventually you'll come to the area behind the saint and move while crouched to the gas pump ahead and sabotage it –
Go back behind the wall to cover and when the saint moves near the gas pump, shoot the fuel on the ground to make the kill –
Or you can directly kill her with the ballers or better yet, garrote her – but you may be spotted trying to garrote her. There's a guard who comes near here, you can subdue him and drag him in. Move slowly towards the exit and go thru.
You can virtually kill off all the three saints while remaining in the middle of the corn plants. Move ahead and subdue the guard and move ahead and go to the right into the fields from behind the car –
Move to the closest saint – you'll come to Louisa Cain. Move to the cabin to the left and behind the cabin is a power cord –
Rig the power cord and wait for Cain to go in and get fried. Now, move to the next saint (activate the checkpoint to the left here behind th guard –
Move right the next saint and you'll come to Moorehead, she walks into the fields and has a guard with her. Just stay crouched and rush past the open area into the field in which she is moving and slowly take your time avoiding the guard and move behind her and garrote her. You can also shoot her from a distance with the ballers but your view may be obstructed and garroting is more fun anyway.
After that, the last one remains. Move to her and she is seen moving in the middle of a lot of security. Stay to the left of the van and look up to the crane which is holding some cement slabs. Wait for her to come under the salbs and shoot the wire holding them with the ballers to make them fall or directly shoot her with the ballers. Now, you need to move to the center of this area and take her phone –
This can get tricky. Shoot the cars here to cause a distraction. You just need to get to the phone and nothing else after that as the mission ends there. So you can even make a dash for the phone even as you are being detected and if can pick it up, you'll not have any problems.
GameZone presents Agent 47 in his new endeavor in search for Absolution after all the years of sinning. We bring to you – Hitman: Absolution in all of it's glory….
— Access Mansion Grounds
We start off the game with a little introductory scenario where you are given directions by the game's voice. Move ahead past the Ice Cream truck and when you reach the gate, you are told to look for an alternative path. Look to the left of the gate and you'll find a way inside –
Keep crouched and move into the area. Now, you will be able to see pointers in your mini map which represent the enemies. Their direction is also shown. Now, as soon as you go in, hit SPACE near one of the carts to take cover behind them. Now, use your INSTINCT to search for any object and to the right, you will spot a wrench. Take it and throw it into the buckets –
Then the guard gets distracted and you can move past him into the next place. There are more enemies in the next area and you can use the similar technique to distract them and move past them. You will reach the Tennis Court from here. Try to stay hidden and keep moving and soon you will reach your first checkpoint. Past the Checkpoint, you will come into a small area with four enemies close by –
If you stay in a cover place where a guard comes around ahead of you then you can attack him and subdue him. Move to the left most side so that you come on behind the left most guard on the map and distract him and move past him towards the left (use your instinct to know the location of the exit). At the exit, you have to be a little careful as two guys keep talking over here. Wait for their conversation to end and only then they will move away and you can slip past them to the exit door –
Move ahead once you are past the door and use your Instinct to know the movements of the guards. Wait for one of them to the come to the railing on the left side and throw him into the sea. Then go to the next guy and do the same (you can additionally use the knife to distract or kill one of these guys) –
Keep crouched and move ahead and take cover. You will notice two guys talking to each other. Use INSTINCT here to notice a disguise to the right which glows yellow –
Equip the disguise and you can simply walk past the enemies while holding the INSTINCT button as you move past them to avoid detection.
— Infiltrate Greenhouse
After the successful infiltration of the Greenhouse, you need to move past the Greenhouse and out of it. The best path out of the greenhouse is to move from the right side. If you have instinct then you can move thru quickly and use instinct whenever you are being detected. If you are more patient then you can move past without using instinct even once as the gardeners patrol around the area. Once you reach the other end, use your instinct to locate a pipe with a valve –
Turn this valve and the people blocking the exit to the left now disperse and you can move thru easily.
— Gain Access to the Mansion
Once you move out of the greenhouse, you will come to three guys ahead. You can simply walk past these guys if you have the security guard outfit with the use of instinct. Once you reach the right side end, you will come to a ledge, use it to move towards the window –
Keep going up and you will come to an open window. There's some guy who patrols around this place so wait for him to come near the window and pull him out. You will come to another guard inside with a in-mansion security guard outfit. You can subdue him and take his outfit and then dump his body into the sea. Move into the mansion now thru the door ahead.
— Disable Security Systems
After going in move to the right end and you will see a laptop here from which you can disable the security systems. There's also another interior security disguise here and a piece of Evidence to the left –
Take it and go thru the door into the house.
— Get Keycard from Head of Security
Once inside, go to the kitchen where you see the Chef scolding a guard. Wait in cover and after the guard is sent away, subdue the chef, take his outfit and dump him to the left in a bin beside the refrigerator. Move out into the main hall where the Head of Security is talking. Move ahead and to the left and go up the stairs and you'll come to the rest room. Here you'll find some sleeping pills. Take these back downstairs and to the main hall. Here if you use your instinct, you will find a cup of coffee which the Head is drinking from. You can place the pills in this cup. Then after he starts sleeping, grab his card and move to the exit of the upper floor. Use the card here and you'll come to some stairs. Keep going and you'll reach Diana.
— Get to Victoria
Move out and you'll soon come to four guys ahead of you. Here the game teaches you how to use the quick shot. First while using instinct, hit Q to enter quick shot mode and mark all your targets – mark their heads for lethal takedowns. After you mark all of them, hit the button again and 47 immediately shoot all of them in the place where you aimed. After you kill them the entrance to Victoria's room is free and you can go in –
Your first objective is to find and then assassinate the King of Chinatown. He can be found very easily (infact I don't know why they mentioned this as an objective). Just head straight inside the square and you will be able to find him inside the pagoda which is at the center of the place –
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Eliminate the King of China Town
You can't just strike at him now because if you use your instinct you'll see all the bodyguards around him in yellow, all of them – Chicago Police. So, just continue right to the alley where you'll be able to see a Police Officer in the end resting on a chair –
You will also be able to see a fuse box to the right here. Go near the box and hit E to demolish it. Now move back a bit. Wait for the guard to come to the fuse box and then crouch and move past him. Now, once you are past him, you will come to a set of stairs. Go up these stairs and use your instinct to locate the dealer. Move in and subdue him whenever possible and then change to his clothes. Drag him into the nearby bin and dump the body.
You will also be able to find a Kazo TRG on the desk to the right here. Take it and move to the window. Now, point to the King's head and hold SHIFT to stabilize the aim and make the shot. After you kill him, holster the rifle and move back downstairs casually while the police come up looking for a hitman. You can just walk past the police without anything happening. Go into the Pagoda where you shot the king and you will be able to grab a piece of EVIDENCE here –
Take it and go to the right side ahead (you can also use instinct to locate the exit). The exit is a door which has a duck with a chef's hat on it.
Gain access to the upper floors
NOTE: This mission will take a lot of time and patience so make sure you are not short of both before starting the mission.
Go straight and you'll spot the hotel at the other side of the road. If you go to the right from here, you will be able to see a mini-van. There's a construction worker here who talks to one of the bodyguards and moves inside. Infront of the van on top of a trash bin is a wrench. Pick it up and move to the front of the van. Crouch here and throw the wrench onto the shutter door to the right –
This will make the bodyguard ahead to come and checkout the area. Subdue him, take his clothes and dump his body inside the trash can.
Before we go to the next area, we should be taking a detour so that we can pick up a piece of evidence. Go back and into the hotel area and enter thru the main entrance. Remember that the guards can spot you since you wearing their uniform. Now, you will need to be careful while moving – use instinct to cover yourself if someone is watching you or better yet, wait for the guards to move away and only then move thru the area.
After entering the hotel, go to the right side where you will find an office with an old man inside. Go in past him and recover the piece of EVIDENCE you find here –
Now, we can continue with our main objective. You need to go into the cellar area. You can go there in a few different way. One is to go thru the laundry chute from the laundry room which is to the left of the hotel here. The second is to go back outside all the way to where you subdued the first guard whose clothes you are wearing. Then you can go in from there too.
Either way, once you are down there, make your way to the elevator which is in the center of this area. There's a checkpoint in the room which is to the left of the elevator. Once you are near the elevator, wait for the guard nearby to move away and stay crouched and call the elevator. Move back and hide till the elevator comes and get inside it once it lands.
Get to the eighth floor
Now, you'll come to the seventh floor and you need to get to the eight floor from here. You can easily do this but first, as soon as you exit the elevator, move to the left side into the room here (it says staff only). After you enter the room, wait for a while as a maid also enters the room. Wait for her to turn her back to you and then go to the disguise which is here and wear it. You need to wear the disguise when the maid is not looking – you can also wait for the maid to go outside and then change. Once you are in the Janitor's clothes there's no one who can stop you in this floor. So go out and roam freely and when you are ready to continue then head to the right from the elevator. Here you will come to a grill to the left which has a board on it asking you not the enter or something like that. If you listen carefully, you will also hear some music and if you go in, you'll see large speakers outside a room.
Go to the speakers and sabotage them. Wait for the guy inside to come out and look at the speakers and when he is attending to his speakers, crouch past him into his room and go to the left near the window and slip out thru the window.
Once you are outside, go onto the ledge and to the right you'll come to some stairs. Go up these stairs and you'll come to a checkpoint. Once you are past the checkpoint, move onto the ledge to the right and wait near the open window. One of the guards comes near the window. Wait for him to come to it and then pull him out –
There are still two more inside but you need not worry about them as their patrol routes will not cross the path you'll be taking. Now use instinct to see where the other two guards are and while they are looking away, go in thru the window and crouch behind the table immediately and take cover.
Get to room 899
Once the guards do not notice you. Go behind the piano and watch out for the guard who is to the left. To avoid him. You can move to the space which is to the right of the open door thru which he looks and the couch to the right of the door. If you hide in this space, you will be out of danger from both the guards –
Wait for the guard to the left to go back on his patrol and while he is away, move in and hide inside the storage cabinet ahead. Wait for this guard to move to the door which you came in form and move out and subdue him. Drop his body into the cabinet and move thru the door. You'll see that the room 899 ahead is locked. So, go thru the vent to the right of the room and you will be ale to listen to an interesting conversation. After you are done, move ahead into the dark all the way thru the vent.
Move to the back of the room and go thru the window. Go to the right and climb the ladder on the fire escape. When you are on the roof. Head down the stairs and to the right and be sure you are crouching. You'll come to three police officers here. If you can wait then they will gradually withdraw from the place and you can follow them. Once you come down the stairs sneak behind them into the shed nearby and break the door in the end to come out of this place.
This place is very easy to go thru even though it looks complicated. The first point of action is to grab a uniform though which will help you to get past the enemies a bit easier. Go down from where you are and then wait for the closest guy to get near you. You will be able to spot a dumpster in the back nearby. Take his clothes and dump him. Or you can do this to any other cop ahead provided you wait for him to get near the dumpster. If you move from the right side of this place, you will be able to proceed till the end where you'll find two cops guarding the door ahead. Best thing to do is use something and throw it to distract both the guards and move thru as they inspect the disturbance. Exit thru the double doors and go up the first flight of stairs. Go near where the second should be but the stairs are broken. Now climb the ledge and go up. You'll come to the exit soon enough.
Pigeon Coop
Keep going and soon you'll come to a small ventilation shaft near the ground –
Go thru it and in the next area, you'll come to the copter again and two cops who ae blocking your path. They just keep on chatting –
It's better to just slip past them while they are busy in their conversation. Just move from cover to cover using the change cover command whenever possible. Just run to the door when it's nearby – don't worry about the detection arrow. Just run and hit the interact button near the door to pick the lock and go thru.
You'll come to some kind of hippy paradise. Keep going thru it till you come to the large plant indoor-nursery. Go to the other end while staying crouched in the plant and choose a path thru the place that is least visible to the other officers. Once you come out the other side. Go to the right hallway and you'll come to a room to the right in the end which has only one police officer. Go in and subdue him.
After that, move to the room which is to the right of this one and look at the notebook on the table –
After taking the notebook, go back to the safe and unlock it. Arm the explosive and pick it up. Now, where you place the explosive is totally up to you. You can place it in this room and go back outside and into the door which is opposite of this one and blow the bomb or you can throw the bomb somewhere else and detonate it.
Thing is, once you detonate the bomb, the police officers who are guarding the entrance to the elevator should move from there allowing you to get to the elevator. Once you do get to it, call the elevator and get out of here.
Train Station
You'll be asked to locate the exit as soon as you come here. Go left first and immediately take cover behind the low wall ahead and wait for a police officer to come up. When you can, subdue him and dump him in the box. Wait for the other officers to dispoerse downstairs and then move ahead. Sneak past the last cops when they are distracted by the commuters and you'll come out to the crowd.
Once you are in the crowd, things should be very easy. You should be able to blend in with the crowd rather easily by standing still when you draw ay attention. Head to the left end of this area to the ledge –
Go thru the window and then up the ladder which you come to. You'll come into the signals main room where you can activate the train signal on platform B –
Move out thru the door and go to the right. You will see a counter on the bottom of the screen which tells you how much time remains in 15 sec intervals. You'll have to be on the platform in 45 secs. If you come by an officers, then use your instinct to move past them. As soon as the train comes, move into it along with the crowd and the coast should be clear as soon as you do so -22
Hunter and Hunted
Keep moving ahead till you come to some officers. To the left here is a room which is filled with paper cuttings of missing people –
In this room, if you wait outside one of the officers comes in and looks around. If you want a disguise, this is a good time to get it. Go back outside and in a place to the left is a air vent which you can use to get out of here –
You will also find a checkpoint here just below the vent –
Keep going and you will come outside to the police. If you use your instinct, you will be able to see the exit ahead. But the area is filled with policemen and to get to the exit you'll have to be very careful. If your instinct is high enough then just use it to slip past them without any suspicion.
The Vixen Club
You'll come out to the Vixen Club. There are three guys ahead but you don't need to go there. Just look to the left and on the wall you will find a ledge –
After you go up the ledge, you can go into the club thru the open window. This is a jackpot area since you will be able to find EVIDENCE, a KEYCARD and also a JAGD pistol in this room –
Go down the stairs and you'll come out to a door. Past this door is a chick who can spot you and two guys. The two guys go away when their conversation is finished so wait for them to go and crouch past the chick to the left and you'll come to the entrance of the club area.
Go into the club and the surroundings come to life. DOM keeps moving thru the club area and there are two ways you can kill him. First is easier – go to the right from the entrance and you will come to the rest room –
Go in and subdue the bouncer inside and wear his clothes. You can dump his body in the locker nearby. You can wait here till Dom comes in and he does come in after a while and keeps doing his rounds here. Once he comes in you can grab him and kill him with the signature fiber wire which will give you an additional bonus. Then dump him inside the locker too and go out calmly.
The second way to kill him is to get a Keycard from one of the bouncers (the guy in the wash room works fine). Take his disguise and keycard. Go to the left end of the club where you'll see a group of guys around a single dancer. This is supposed to be a bachelor party. Go in thru the door to the right here and once inside, look out the glass to the dancer and the group of guys outside. There's a switch here which has a warning note to it.
The note asks you not to hit it – but were here exactly for that. Wait for Dom to come into the room ahead and he comes close to the Dancing babe. Hit the button now and the Disco Ball falls on him and he's in a pool of blood –
this will give you even higher kill bonus.
There are some other things you can do like check for a room with a booby babe which unlocks the private dance achievement. Then you will need to gain access to the upper floor of the club.
Dressing Rooms
From where you are (in the room next to the bachelor party). Go left but be wary of all the guards and dancers. You'll come to some stairs here but it has two guys nearby. You can distract them by throwing something or just use instinct to get past them. Once you come out on top. Crouch and pass the guys here. Keep going and you'll make it to the office without any problems since there's no one around. Use the answering machine on the table to end this.
Derelict Building
Go ahead till you come to a group of police officers looking around a small hole in the ground –
Leave them be and move to the right and thru the broken rooms. Keep going and you'll come to a checkpoint. To the left you can climb onto the ledge –
On the top floor move to the left and you will find the dead body of a girl the police are looking for. Pick up the body and dump it onto the lower floor –
After you dump it, move to the right and go thru the rooms and in the end, you can jump down to the lower level. But watch out for the cops, wait for all of them to move to the dead body you just threw and climb down –
There's EVIDENCE just below after you come down. pick it up and move to the left. Keep going and climb any ledge if you need to and you'll come to the exit soon.
Convenience Store
Move to the left edge and climb down to the lower ledge –
Be careful as you come down since a cop is looking around the room in the lower area and the window is boarded. You'll be spotted here if you aren't careful. Move past the window after the cop moves away and crouch near the wood platform which is connecting the roof ahead –
Go to the opposite roof and and onto the ledge to the left –
Go thru the window into the store but watch out for the clerk inside. Subdue him and take his disguise. You can dump him in the container nearby. Then go down into the store and move to the right where you see a police officer talking to a woman. Go behind them (if you use your instinct, you can see a pipe glowing yellow. Go to the right here to find a valve –
Now the fire alarm starts but that's not enough is it? In addition to the fire alarm, if you use your instinct you can see a ripple somewhere nearby where you'll see a switch with which you can start a fire and a cloud of some and just walk thru the store without anyone noticing – but just the fire alarm from earlier is enough.
The last thing you are supposed to do is to slip past a set of cops. There's a fuse box you can sabotage ahead. Use it when the cop to the right is not looking and wait for him to get to it. Then slip past him from the right and wait here because there's another cop just ahead. Keep going and you'll come to the exit and you can go thru it to the next and final area of this mission.
Chinese New Year
This is perhaps my favorite part of this mission and one of my favorite assassinations in the entire game. You'll be entertained to no mean ends here….and you'll see clearly how great the game is and how much thought the developers put into making it work.
Note that you can kill a target in more than a few different ways and how you do it is entirely up to you. Let's start then –
First, note that you'll need instinct to identify the three enemies amongst the crowd of people and if anyone is recognizing you. You can move into the crowd and stay still and the alert arrow will go away. So let's go for Frank Owens first.
He's the guy in the middle pic in the three pics to the top right of the screen. From where you entered this area, go straight and to the right corner of this entire area – if you remember from the earlier mission you exited this area thru the duck hat door when you eliminated the King of Chinatown. Anyway, you'll come to an area to the right which is guarded by a police office and as you get here one of the stall workers comes in and talks to the police guy. Crouch near the broken area of the wall ahead and look thru –
You'll see the chef smoking inside. Now, observe him very carefully and you will see him smoke a cigarette each time, throw it down and turn around. You'll have only a couple of seconds to move in when he turns around. So watch him and go inside when he turns around –
Go in and keep going till you get to the gas pump ahead. Sabotage the pump and move back and hide behind the low wall here –
Wait for Frank to come here and talk on his phone and see what happens next. You can dump his body nearby. There's also a sledgehammer with which you can cause a bit to noise so that the chef and cop go away. Now move out of this place and let's go for the next guy.
As you move out of this place, move ahead and go right, you should see one more guy ahead talking on his phone. Follow him ahead, he moves thru the central pagoda towards the tatoos store in the area ahead and takes a right from the Tattoos store –
Then continues to the Dance to Dawn school. He speaks to the officer ahead and then moves in. The office also goes ahead turning his back on you. Move behind him and when he goes behind a wall, subdue him and grab the Chipmunk outfit from the ground here. Dump the officer and go downstairs to where the target went. You should see the target talking to the police guy here and they both move away from you and look at weapons. Go from the right and move towards them while crouched – you can spot Birdie's file here –
Take it and move back a bit and see what happens. There's a vent here you can use to get out. After you go out, you'll need to search for the last target.
After you find him (use instinct if possible) follow him and you will see him taking a chef into an abandoned alley –
There's a cop guarding the area ahead. You need to use something and throw it behind the cop so that he turns around and you will be able to pass behind him crouched or better yet, you can even subdue him and dump his body so that he wouldn't be a problem later.
Now, move in and you will see the last target talk to the chef and eventually, the target will knock the chef unconscious. Now, move in behind the target slowly while crouched and kick him into the open pit behind him –
You will also find a piece of evidence nearby where the police officer was patrolling earlier –
Now, just exit chinatown and you'll be clear.
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