Original Mega Man released on the Nintendo 3DS eShop

Yesterday, the original Mega Man released on the Nintendo 3DS eShop for $4.99. Mega Man — originally released in 1987 — takes up 61 blocks on your 3DS' SD card. That's tiny. Having never played the original Mega Man (I know, I know!), I've been looking forward to its release on the eShop. I know I could have just played an emulator, but I wanted to play it on my 3DS XL. Mega Man 2 is also coming to the 3DS eShop on February 7, 2013, with the rest of the Mega Man 3-6 coming sometime in 2013.

Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels also came to the 3DS eShop for $4.99. The Wii U eShop is also seeing a pretty good sale for indie games right now, which includes Trine 2: The Director's Cut, Little Inferno, and Chasing Aurora, which you can read about HERE.

You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at [email protected]