The PS4 user interface is sexy, streamlined, and social

It's been a week since Sony announced the PlayStation 4 and while we still don't have any idea of what the actual console looks like, we are starting to get a better feel for the type of experience it will offer. A gallery of new PS4 images have surfaced revealing the user interface. Hot damn, is it gorgeous. This sexy, new streamlined interface is a much welcomed change as it replaces the clunky XMB of the PS3.

The images aren't necessarily the final design, but they do give us an overall idea of where Sony is headed with the PS4. The images show off much of what Sony has already announced, a focus on social gameplay. We see the home screen, the user profile of the weird bearded man, a friend feed reminiscent of Pinterest, a pretty girl streaming her gameplay, and the video trimming and sharing menus. There are also a few images of the PS4's ability to mesh with tablets and mobile devices.

I think we can all agree, this was a much needed change and I'm glad Sony has finally addressed it. I'll admit I was a little on the fence about Sony's emphasis on sharing, but after seeing the potential I'm quite excited. The new design was obviously long overdue, but all of these new features will sure be fun to toy around with.

Is Sony on the right track with the new user interface?