Tearaway’s papery journey will unfold in October

Sony has announced the release date of TearawayMedia Molecule's latest creation for the PlayStation Vita.

Tearaway, which takes you on a journey through a vibrant, papery world alongside a messenger who has a unique message to deliver to you, is set to release on October 22. In the game you will use your "god-like powers" and the Vita's technical capabilities to help your messenger friend complete their delivery. You can read more about how Tearaway plays in my recent preview of the game.

"We’ve designed the world of Tearaway to blend with our own through the unique features of the PS Vita, which allow you to help your messenger buddy to solve puzzles using the power of touch, literally breathe new life into this papercraft land, and reach up into the world using the rear-touch panel to see your fingertips appear inside the game!" said community manager James Spafford. "We think this is an adventure unlike anything you’ve played before."

And since there are two characters to choose from to accompany you on this journey, Media Molecule has decided to include a reversible cover for the game. One side will feature the male iota messenger while the other will star the female atoi. Way to be politically correct, Media Molecule. No sexism here!

[PS Blog]