Give me back my Sims 3 dragons with new release trailer

In this Sims 3 expansion, take fantasy to a new level. Become the lord or lady of your choice. Will you find romance or just spend all your time playing with dragons? This new trailer by Maxis will help you know just what trouble you’ll be getting into. This new setting offers Sims 3 players new furniture, new clothing, and new excitement! Let's not forget about the addition of Baby Dragons, of which there are three different types each with their own personality and mood benefits. Just what will do with these options is the real question?

As of today, the The Sims 3: Dragon Valley is out an available for PC and MAC download. This expansion can be yours for $25 for the standard bundle, but an upgraded bundle for $35. The upgraded version comes with a Celtic set and more furniture options. Watch the video above and GET YOUR DRAGONS!