Litter-Box Art: The Cats of Us Edition

Cats. Worshipped by Egyptians and Redditors alike. They dominate YouTube and melt our hearts with their cute and often clumsy demeanor. Oh, did we mention they can't spell? "I can haz cheeseburger?" Adorable!

Therefore I welcome you to yet another installment of Litter-box Art. However, this week's format will be a little different, and you get to cast your vote for which box art you deem purrfect!

Want to suggest some Litter-box Arts for us to do in the future? Just leave us a comment saying which Box Art we should do next. Too lazy to comment? Just Tweet at us with #LitterBoxArtRequest and a picture that you want us to put adorable cats in. Why? Because CATS!

Which Litter-box Art is purrfect?

Army of Two: Cat's Cartel

Army of Two: Cat's Cartel

The Cats of Us

The Cats of Us