A photo of a white Xbox One dev kit has been posted to Reddit, giving us a look at what Microsoft's next-gen console would look like in a different color. The system appears to be based around the same form factor and overall design as the final Xbox One that was revealed by Microsoft in May. Of course, the final version of the system comes in that "deep and rich liquid black color."
A developer reportedly confirmed to be working on an Xbox One game added to the Reddit thread: "The zebra ones were also earlier devkits. We've gone through several revisions since the original alpha kit (giant server case) and the current one we have looks like the launch version."
The zebra version the developer is referring to is actually a black and white striped system that came with a matching striped controller. A picture of it is posted below, courtesy of @Talaviir.
Which color do you prefer: the current black or the older white? Or perhaps the zebra stripes?