See the Xbox One user interface in action

Xbox go to Hulu Plus. Xbox go to Netflix. Xbox go to friends. Xbox go home. No, you're not drunk, but you're pretty freaking awesome.

Microsoft finally released a video providing a live look at the Xbox One in action. And while switching in between apps on-the-fly isn't quite as quick as shown in the promo video released last week, it's still pretty darn fast — at least way faster than I originally thought.

In the video, Microsoft's Marc Whitten and Yusuf Mehdi walk us through the functionality of the Xbox One, showcasing its voice recognition to launch apps, biometric scanning to log you in, instant switching and resuming, watching tv, game recording and sharing, Snap mode, Skype, and many more features all in 12 minutes.

Honestly, this is the best thing Microsoft could've done. With all the negative publicity surrounding the Xbox One, this was the best way to shut up critic — show the console, in action, working as intended. Microsoft has done a fantastic job putting all of the rumors and speculation to rest.

What did you think of the Xbox One functionality? Better than you expected?