Oh, Square Enix, how you like to release games I adore on mobile devices. By adding Final Fantasy VI to the Google Play Store, my two favorite games of all time now linger there – the other being Chrono Trigger. Growing up, never did I even consider that one day I would have the potential to play them from a phone I carry around everywhere with me in my pocket. Technology; am I right?
So yea, Final Fantasy VI is here for the steep price of $15.99. While it is compatible with Android 3.2, it is recommended that it is played on Android 4.0. The graphics have been remastered which have been meet with some serious confrontation from longtime fans. Sure they are no longer the sprites we grew up with and loved… the game is at least the same… right? Right?
There appears to be a new Mog help system to tell players what they should be doing in case they get lost. While I welcome all people to enjoy this incredible game, FFVI doesn’t suffer from being too difficult to have the need for a strong hand holding system. Play it though, just play it. F@#$ Kefka.
For you American nostalgic Final Fantasy fans, Final Fantasy VI was Final Fantasy III in the states.