League of Legends showcases the new Dragonblade Riven skin

Alright Riven fans, don’t you feel like you have enough skins by now? Well guess what — you have yet another one on the way. Meet League of Legends' “Dragonblade Riven.” This Lunar Revel created skin is influenced with eastern culture themes for optimized awesomeness.

Bust out that RP and buy yourself some Dragonblade Riven for 1350. Support Riot, support your LoL addition, and support Riven players – don’t let the nerf stop you. It will be only available for a limited time once the Lunar Revel begins.

On the topic of the “Legend of Dragonblde Riven,” Riot has this story to share:

One tale tells of a woman, her sword forged in dragon's fire, descending into an enemy enclave in the aftermath of a bloody battle. She leaped and slashed through hordes of foes, slaying captors and freeing their captives. Refusing to bow to those who would enslave the innocent, she stormed across the countryside, giving hope to refugees and the unprotected. Those who witnessed her crusade soon knew the truth behind the proverb, "There's no shield like a Dragonblade's sword."

Riven Lunar

See you on the fields of justice.
