Sony: ‘No firm plans’ for PS4/Vita bundle

PlayStation fans have clamored for some sort of bundle offering the PS4 and Vita together, and though Sony is open to the idea there are currently "no firm plans" to offer such a deal.

"We certainly would look at it. I think it's an interesting proposition," Sony marketing executive John Koller told GameSpot during a media event in Santa Monica.

"There's no firm plans," he added. "I like the idea personally of being able to put them together if not as a bundle but as a marketed experience point. So Vita we think fits very, very well as a companion device for the PS4. But, I stop there because I want to make sure Vita retains the beauty of what makes Vita Vita. And that's that it's got it's own unique kind of bespoke games."

At the same event it was revealed that about one-in-three Vita owners also own a PlayStation 4. In the same vein, Sony has acknowledged that the PlayStation 4 has led to an increase in Vita sales. Both systems appear to be feeding off the success of the other thanks to Sony's emphasis on Remote Play, a feature that allows you to play PS4 games directly on the Vita, freeing up the television for other uses. Remote Play, coupled with Sony's other initiatives like Cross-Buy and Cross-Play, further justify the need for a bundle.