Clash of Clans update could arrive on Wednesday

The upcoming Clash of Clans update — the one that Supercell has been teasing for the past week — looks like it'll arrive on Wednesday. Supercell hasn't confirmed this yet, but judging by their latest teaser on the forums, it looks to be the date.

In a post today, Supercell teased there is still one more sneak peek that'll likely be teased tomorrow. If that's the case, then it puts the update on track to go live on Wednesday, July 2. Of course, this is assuming the certification goes through without a hitch. Once the update goes live, I'm assuming will have more official patch notes, but for now we just have a list of sneak peeks teased throughout the week.

Make sure you check back tomorrow morning for the final sneak peek and hopefully a release date for the update. In the meantime, let us know what you think of the changes incoming.