BREAKING: Sunset Overdrive will not play Frozen’s “Let It Go” at max style level

This is either the best news or worst news you'll hear for the week. Frozen's "Let it Go" will not play when you reach max style level in Sunset Overdrive.

I know, I know — heartbreaking. Pre-order cancelled, right?

I actually don't know why this was a question submitted to Sunset TV, the weekly video log for Sunset Overdrive, but it was. And community manager Brandon Winfrey chose to answer it: "No."

Kinda disappointed with this one. Given that Sunset Overdrive seems to poke fun at some of our culture's most annoying habits, I'd expect at least one Frozen reference. I expected more from you, Insomniac Fizzie. 

Below is this week's Sunset TV episode which talks about the size of the world, a quick select weapon feature, and Insomniac's Sunset Overdrive Comic-Con plans.

You can follow Senior News Editor Matt Liebl on Twitter @Matt_GZ. He likes games, sports, musicals (WICKED!), and his adorable dog, Wrigely. And his wife.