Riot Games has announced plans to introduce the first steps of an "extensive and ongoing development process" to the League of Legends client. Over the next week or so, Riot will push live visual changes to the game's patcher and client landing page.
If you're part of the LoL Public Beta Environment, then you're probably already aware of what's coming. If not, just head here for a more in-depth look. Basically, the goal is to improve the "pre-game experience" by improving how information is presented. Think of it as a big facelift. Perhaps more important than the visual changes are the groundwork that'll be established to ensure Riot can safely build upon this as they expand new core tech.
"Every interaction you have as you’re getting ready for a match is based on interconnected systems and, as a result, maintaining League’s stability outweighs almost every other priority we have when making changes," Riot explained.
"Our first few releases are starting points that’ll provide insight into how we should update additional systems. We’ll be refining and improving the pre-game experience as we go."
The attached images are what you can expect to see in the coming weeks.