Michael Pachter: ‘Consoles are going away’

During VentureBeats sixth annual GamesBeat event, Geoff Keighley sat down with Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter to talk about why Pachter believes Microsoft will shift its focus from consoles to PCs and mobile.

Microsoft just released a new console, the Xbox One – a successor to the Xbox 360 (that was around for about 9 years and still being supported). Why on earth would they abandon it for the PC and mobile? Pachter has a hypothesis as to why they would make that move, if at all.

Pachter told Keighley that he thinks “consoles are going away, because you used to need a console because you could not connect a microprocessor to your TV screen. Now, if you have a Chromecast stick or a Roku box, you can. So why do we buy consoles? I mean, your phone will be powerful enough to power any game in two more generations. And, so, why buy a console? I think Microsoft actually knows that.”

It appears that Pachter is missing out on the gaming aspect, maybe even the MLG aspect. Perhaps he's missing that consoles are here to stay (just like PCs). Everyone has their own opinions.

What do you think? Are consoles going to go 'away'?

Get at me on Twitter @TatiMo_GZ
