Joe Donato

E3 2014 Wishlist: My hopes and fears for Xbox One

E3 2014 is Microsoft’s chance to prove that they aren’t a shadow of their once-great Xbox and Xbox 360 brands.…

11 years ago

E3 2014 Wishlist: My hopes and fears for PS4

The PlayStation 4 has had one of the smoothest, no-nonsense console launches of all time. The device sits like a…

11 years ago

E3 2014 Wishlist: My hopes and fears for PS Vita

The Vita is like a talented celebrity with a drug problem. One day it's winning awards, the next day it's…

11 years ago

Always Sometimes Monsters Review: Always interesting, sometimes annoying

The indie game movement has brought about a surge of interesting, real-world experiences to the medium. Games like Gone Home…

11 years ago

If Sony doesn’t stop chasing that AAA dragon it’s going to kill the Vita

Borderlands 2 has finally come to the Vita with some mixed reviews. Our own EIC Mike Splechta gave the game…

11 years ago

Boy, that Far Cry 4 cover seems a bit tasteless

At first glance, the freshly-revealed cover for Far Cry 4 is certainly striking. It depicts a blindingly white, bleach-blonde-haired gentleman…

11 years ago

Outlast Whistleblower Review: A bit of the old ultra-violence

If you're looking to play Outlast's new Whistleblower DLC, it's safe to assume you're probably a fan of the game.…

11 years ago

Cel Damage HD review: I never asked for this

In the grand list of HD remakes I’ve wished for, Cel Damage HD lies somewhere between Blood Wake and Mad…

11 years ago

DreadOut review: Dreadful

Backed by a $29,000 Indiegogo campaign and the efforts of Indonesian development team Digital Happiness, DreadOut is an attempt to…

11 years ago

Daylight Review: Random access misery

Successful horror is 90% unpredictability and 10% actual creepiness. Look no further than Slender: The Eight Pages for a perfect…

11 years ago