Josh Wirtanen

BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode 2 Review: Let the circle be unbroken

Just a quick note: Spoilers for pretty much everything BioShock are coming. So click away if your teeny virgin eyes…

11 years ago

The Portal games make me want my gaming virginity back just so I can lose it again

I recently had the pleasure of replaying both Portal games, once again thwopping down portals while having my morale eroded…

11 years ago

Maybe some women are successful at game writing because they’re legitimately better at it than you are

Facebook can be a terrible place sometimes (though it’s actually pretty mild when compared with the rest of the Internet).…

11 years ago

While you’re distracted by the PS4 and Xbox One launches, Nintendo is secretly killing it

I was pretty excited about the PS4 and the Xbox One earlier this year (admittedly more for the PS4 than…

11 years ago

BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode 1 needs more Humphrey Bogart

So, I generally like to start these things off with a personal anecdote of some sort to set the mood.…

11 years ago

Why Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda game

I mentioned a while back that Twilight Princess is my favorite Legend of Zelda game thus far, and that it’s…

11 years ago

Club Penguin creator Lance Priebe chats about Mech Mice and awkward childhoods

It’s not often I see a free-to-play, browser-based game and get excited about it, but the upcoming Mech Mice has…

11 years ago

I’m pretty sure I will never finish The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

I realize that I’m not going to blow anyone’s mind by admitting that I love The Legend of Zelda and…

11 years ago

Ten tips for newcomers to Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Starting off fresh in a brand-new MMO can be a daunting task. And, even though Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm…

12 years ago

Interview: Exploring the surreal storytelling of The Dream Machine with director Anders Gustafsson

The Dream Machine is a quirky point-and-click indie project by Cockroach Inc. What makes it so special? Well, the aesthetic,…

12 years ago