Ubisoft's third quarter financial report and delay of Splinter Cell: Double Agent.
UPDATE: New information has surfaced on the alleged glitch in Wild World.
3RD UPDATE: A smaller, brighter, and lighter compact DS will soon be released in Japan.
Konami has released an official lineup of games schedule to release in 2006. Details regarding the Nintendo DS offerings inside.
West Virgina public schools are set to receive Dance Dance Revolution games and video game consoles.
David Yarnton has recently said that his company has no plans for showing a redesigned Nintendo DS at E3 2006.
Nintendo has announced that over three-million individuals have accessed the NIntendo Wi-Fi Connection.
Check out the weekly Japanese Sales charts from Media Create.
The Resident Evil franchise was born 10 years ago on Sony's wildly popular PlayStation console. The game was received as…
The official fact sheet for Finding Nemo on the Nintendo DS.