Louis Bedigian

How to Design Sega’s Next Mascot

There was a time when the word “sonic” was instantly synonymous with Sega's famous blue hedgehog. Now, whenever I hear…

12 years ago

Is The Game Industry Afraid To Scare Us?

There was a great moment, 12 years ago, when the tension and the terror had finally taken its toll, and…

12 years ago

Reinventing Resident Evil

I was 14 when I played the first Resident Evil. As anyone who has played the game can attest, the…

12 years ago

Can Anyone Abolish the Square Enix Juggernaut?

Individually, Square and Enix were the two biggest RPG developers and publishers in the world. Their number-one games are so…

12 years ago

Can Video Games Increase Music Sales?

Motion City Soundtrack. Midtown. No Motiv. Reggie and the Full Effect. These are just a few of the bands that…

12 years ago

Nintendo Zone: How to Improve Metroid, Kirby and Donkey Kong Country

Now that the Wii has matured and its eventual successor – the presumably titled Wii 2 – is no more…

12 years ago

Will the Yu-Gi-Oh! Golden Flame Die?

Who says you shouldn’t beat a dead horse? Since the late ‘90s, there have been nearly 50 Yu-Gi-Oh! video games…

12 years ago

Is There Room For Test Drive Unlimited 2?

The first Test Drive Unlimited was an impressive step forward in game design. Atari created a racer that dared to…

12 years ago

Shaun White: The New King of Extreme Sports

Similar to Tony Hawk and Michael Jordan, Shaun White is an athlete whose name has been turned into a brand.…

12 years ago

Reinventing Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy was once the RPG series I couldn’t wait to play. It was a franchise that made over-priced imports…

12 years ago