Michael Morella

I spend my days in Germany with my wife and son. Writing is a passion, gaming is a necessity.

The Flock Review

Like many, I found the idea of The Flock very cool. I suppose it was really the promise of a…

10 years ago

Interview: Techland kicks it into next gear with Dying Light: The Following

GameZone (GZ): What sort of time did the development team put into this expansion? What would you say was the…

10 years ago

First look at ELEX: Piranha Bytes and Nordic team up at Gamescom 2015

I set up the appointment for ELEX honestly not sure what to expect. I'm a big fan of Nordic Games and I'm…

10 years ago

Gamescom 2015: A buffet of assassination possibilities await in Hitman

This year at Gamescom 2015, I was able to see a lot of cool games, but I have to say…

10 years ago

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain may be soaked in simplicity

When I got the opportunity to witness live gameplay within the Konami Business office at Gamescom 2015, I was completely…

10 years ago

Hands-on with Dying Light: The Following from Gamescom 2015

I was extremely lucky to get a chance to play the new Dying Light expansion, The Following, at Gamescom 2015. But I…

10 years ago

Gamescom 2015: Hands-on with Rise of the Tomb Raider

Many of you are angry at Microsoft and Square Enix for the deal they made that prevents from gamers on…

10 years ago

GameZone is going to Gamescom 2015!

Assassins Creed Syndicate Another year, another Assassins Creed. While some have targeted Ubisoft for releasing far too many Assassins Creed…

10 years ago

Rise of the Tomb Raider: Was it Microsoft’s commitment or compensation?

It all started in 1996, on the Sony Playstation.  In fact, after Tomb Raider, all subsequent releases until Tomb Raider:…

10 years ago

KOed: Further Street Fighter V Beta Tests Indefinitely Postponed

After a very rough start to their beta testing for Street Fighter V, Capcom has delivered a devastating combo of…

10 years ago