
Raychul checks out Spare Parts

Mascots in the making?

13 years ago

Raychul has a Crush on Super Mario Galaxy 2

For a plumber, Mario doesn't do a whole lot of plumbing. I'm just saying...

13 years ago

Raychul has a Crush on Red Dead Redemption

Raychul finds her dark side beneath the blazing sun of the desert.

13 years ago

Raychul Has a Crush on Just Cause 2

Raychul is entertained for hours on end with mindless, chaotic, and story-less action.

13 years ago

Raychul has a Crush on Alan Wake

He's creative, adventurous, and willing to battle evil for love. Who wouldn't have a crush on Alan Wake?

13 years ago

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood preview

I am new to the Assassin’s Creed series and my short time with Brotherhood was my first time playing an…

13 years ago

Kalypso Goes Medieval

Kalypso wants to take you back to a time when there were knights fought evil mythical creatures and spells were…

13 years ago

The Conclusion of the Dragon Age: Origins Saga

The story of Dragon Age: Origins is finished… or is it?After finishing the incredibly short downloadable chapter of Dragon Age:…

13 years ago

Borderlands: Claptrap’s New Robot Revolution preview

Fans have played countless hours of Borderlands to the point of bloodshot eyes. They have tried the different classes and…

13 years ago

What Happened to Disney Epic Mickey?

Expect the unexpected. This is what I had originally begun to conceive when Disney Epic Mickey was revealed. Now, all…

13 years ago