Tate Steinlage

I write words about video games and sports. Hope you like them.

E3 2014: GameZone’s personal top 5 Games of Show

E3 is a lot of things. It's business. It's fun. It's a spectacle. But every year when it comes to…

11 years ago

MX vs. ATV Supercross Preview: Fan service through and through

Two years ago, publisher THQ made headlines when it announced Chapter 11 bankruptcy. It was a sticky situation that led…

11 years ago

Fable Legends Preview: This ain’t your daddy’s Fable

The rigors of change can be frustrating and downright absurd, especially when you’re talking about video games. Franchises like Call…

11 years ago

Evolve Preview: The life of a medic

Standing in line at the jam-packed Evolve booth — behind me a 20-foot Goliath monster — I was handed a…

11 years ago

Sunset Overdrive Multiplayer Preview: Are they dead yet?

Microsoft’s flagship fall exclusive Sunset Overdrive had a big blowout at E3 this year, including detail, a trailer, and a…

11 years ago

Battlefield: Hardline Multiplayer Preview: Show me the money

Battlefield has long been a franchise rooted in overwhelming positivity from critics and consumers alike. That changed with the release…

11 years ago

FIFA 15 Preview: Quality first touch

Capturing the emotion of a 90-minute soccer match is no easy task — ask live television. At any given moment,…

11 years ago

Tales from the Borderlands Preview: Pandora will remember that

If Telltale Games has taught us anything in the past two years, it’s that they are up for whatever task…

11 years ago

E3 2014: This War of Mine Preview: War is hell

War has been visited in video games for as long as I can remember. But as long as they’ve been…

11 years ago

E3 2014: Dead Island 2 developer had no idea it would kick off Sony press conference

Yager Development and publisher Deep Silver knew Dead Island 2 would get a reveal at Sony's E3 press conference Monday. However,…

11 years ago