Three new Conan the Barbarian games coming next year
Funcom has announced that they have entered into a new publishing agreement in order to develop three new games based on the Conan the Barbarian franchise....
No Resistance games planned for the foreseeable future
The recent Resistance: Burning Skies for PlayStation Vita may be the only game in the series fans receive for a while, according to Sony.
Resistance: Burning Skies review
The series makes its debut on Sony’s handheld…and it’s a pretty good run for the Chimera
Resistance: Burning Skies ‘Survival Mode’ detailed
Survival mode is something 'unique' to the Resistance franchise
Resistance returns to PS Vita with 8-person multiplayer
Check out the frantic multiplayer action of Resistance: Burning Skies in this new trailer
Resistance: Burning Skies multiplayer detailed
Burning Skies features up to 4 vs 4 multiplayer mayhem
Playstation Move Heroes ‘Story’ Trailer
Universes collide in this Playstation Move exclusive.
Resistance: Burning Skies Preview
The Chimera doesn’t stand a chance on Sony’s new handheld.
PlayStation Move Heroes
For a long time there, Sony didn’t really have the big names to launch a console. While Nintendo has a whole stable of mascots to flagship each of