The story centres around four young men in the band Alida, who attained phenomenal success with their first CD release. Loads of money coupled with wild imagination resulted in the construction of “Alida – the theme park”. It’s a rather unusual place: an island shaped like a giant guitar of 330 metres long! But these guys didn’t stop there – the guitar can actually be played!

But…the band’s popularity was waning and when the money stopped coming in, distrust set in.
The band members isolated themselves, each claiming different areas of the island, where they devised weird and elaborate systems to protect their wealth. Finally, the island was left uninhabited. 15 Years later band member Arin has gone missing on the island and his wife, Julia, now sends the player to Alida to find him.

Five years in the making, the world of Alida will captivate the player with wondrous graphics, unique locations, intriguing puzzles, bizarre transportation machines, ornate objects, electronic imagery, tactile contraptions, massive constructions, animated natural elements and an entrancing original music score.

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