Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved is a musical motion-based game inspired by Disney's classic animated film "Fantasia." Players enter the magical realms of Fantasia to hone their musical and magical prowess. Control music from some of the industry's biggest acts using Kinection motion to control the musical flow of today's hits.
Many might consider adding an rocking drum beat to Vivaldi's Four Seasons or perhaps remix DvoÅ™ák's Symphony No. 9 with some chiptunes a travesty, but Harmonix did it again and produced something truly magical. Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved, much like its movie predecessors, Fantasia and Fantasia 2000, revolved around fantastic imagery blending in with various musical stylings, all conducted by the magic of the apprentice, which in this case, is you. The game starts off easy enough, easing you into the workings... Read Review
Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved DLC songs announced
Disney and Harmonix announced today the full slate of downloadable tracks set to arrive in Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved. A total of 18 new tracks will...
Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved Review
Many might consider adding an rocking drum beat to Vivaldi's Four Seasons or perhaps remix DvoÅ™ák's Symphony No. 9 with some chiptunes a travesty, but...
Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved demo hits Xbox One and Xbox 360
Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved doesn't release until October 21, but Disney Interactive and Harmonix are giving Xbox players an early peek at the game.
Fans eager...
I remixed Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker, and it was amazing
While Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved is still a few weeks away, we were fortunate enough to get our hands on an early copy courtesy...
Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved headed to PAX Prime 2014 with sweet, sweet swag
Disney Interactive and Harmonix are bringing the Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved experience straight to Seattle during PAX Prime 2014.
If you're in Seattle attending PAX...
Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved gets three pre-order bonus tracks
Frozen's hit song "Let It Go" will be a playable track in Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved, Disney Interactive and Harmonix announced today. Unfortunately, it's the...
E3 2014: Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved Preview: …I finally understand…
Harmonix and Disney Interactive keep saying it. Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved is a musical motion game where you remix songs using the Kinect. That...
Harmonix unveils release date for Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved
I'm excited for Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved, but admittedly, this trailer didn't do it for me. Maybe it was the weird cuts between the...
Elton John’s “Rocket Man” and Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes” playable songs in Disney...
I keep seeing videos of Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved, and I still have no idea what I'm seeing. There's music being manipulated by waving your...
Gorillaz, Elton John and Cee Lo join the roster of artists on Disney Fantasia:...
Disney showed off a brand new build of Fantasia: Music Evolved at PAX East 2014, though exclusively for D23 members, which also showed off...