Take-Two plans on bringing the heat at E3
E3 is not traditionally an event that Take-Two Interactive makes big reveals at. The parent company of Rockstar Games and 2K, Take-Two tends to...
Excellent games that don’t exist: Outer Rim
The Long Version
At the beginning of the game, you are introduced to the floating rock in the middle of remote space that your clan...
Harvest Moon: A New Beginning hands-on
Forget about all that FarmVille crap from those bad people at Zynga. Harvest Moon is where it's at! The original farming game not only...
E3 2012: Snapshot hands-on (Vita)
I'm a sucker for puzzle platformers. I love the fact that developers can take the formula so proudly perfected in Super Mario Bros. and...
These Orgarhythm screens feature melodic strategy
Sound Shapes isn't the only music game headed to the PlayStation Vita this summer. While Queasy Games' upcoming title features a nice amalgamation of...
E3 2012: New retro gaming console plays NES, SNES & Famicom
Need an affordable retro gaming solution? Check out Hyperkin's Retron 2 console!
Pictures from E3 2012: Best of Booth Babes
Booth babes are almost a staple to each E3, but there sure weren't a lot of them this year
E3 2012: What is Indiecade?
We scoped out the Indiecade booth at E3 2012 to get the lowdown on this indie gaming festival
Hated Microsoft’s E3 press briefing? Blame mainstream journalists
Did Microsoft shape this year's conference to tailor to what mainstream journalists can write? We think so