Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime, a downloadable game from Wanako Games, follows the further supernatural adventures of "The Rookie" first introduced in 2009's Ghostbusters: The Video Game. The Rookie will be joined by three other Ghostbusters as they fight a new spectral threat in this top down/isometric adventure. Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime promises battles that will require you to team up with your friends, either locally or online, to take down large bosses and an assortment of other spooks with an arsenal of weapons that include your trusty proton pack, a plasma inductor & the fermion shock. There will also be segments in which players will be able to drive the Ecto-3. None of the stars of the original Ghostbusters movies & the 2009 video game are expected to lend their voices. It is unclear if their characters will be in the game.
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