Griddlers originate from Japan, where at the close of the 20th century two
people, Non Ishida and Tetsuya Nishio, independently came to the identical idea
of the puzzle. According to it, any image, presented as an array of black and
white or coloured pixels on a grid, can be converted into number clues. With a
little thought and perseverance one can recover the original image using only
these numbers. The recovery of an original image from numbers showing the place
of every pixel on the grid is the underlying principle of the puzzle.

It took only a few years for the first ‘nonograms’, as they were called then,
to reach millions of people from the pages of the Telegraph, Mainichi and other
periodicals. The idea has long since outgrown the limits of the project started
by the Telegraph. Today, the absorbing exercise of wit engages people’s interest
in every part of the world.

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