Guide a young boy named Sora, and his friends Riku and Kairi, as he saves the world from destruction at the hands of an evil group known as the Heartless. Set off from Sora's island paradise home with the help of Disney characters such as Donald Duck and Goofy, who are on their way to find their missing king, the one and only Mickey Mouse. Use Sora's secret weapon, the keyblade, in an adventure that takes you through familiar Disney worlds. You will also run into many of Squaresoft's favorite characters as they join the struggle.
[Watch] Fight the darkness of waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 with a new HD...
The wait for Kingdom Hearts 3 is getting to be a bit much, especially with updates like the game still having "untouched worlds." While it...
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix Limited Edition available for pre-order
Last month, the official Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix box art was revealed and while it looked pretty nice, we didn't get much information...
Check out Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix box art
Back in October 2016, Square Enix revealed that PlayStation 4 owners would be getting their hands on six Kingdom Hearts games in early 2017....
Tetsuya Nomura’s Batman came from the canned game that inspired Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy character designer and Kingdom Hearts creator Tetsuya Nomura recently unveiled his contribution to Square Enix and DC Comic’s Variant Play Arts Kai...
Kingdom Hearts was almost an animated TV series, and ‘still could be,’ says former...
Square Enix's Kingdom Hearts was almost turned into an aminated TV series. Fan-site reports that back in 2002, when only one Kingdom Hearts...
These are new times, Kingdom Hearts 3 will be on the PlayStation 4 and...
It's been eleven years since Kingdom Hearts first set out to win the heart of every PlayStation 2 owner. We certainly must be entering...
Kingdom Hearts Keyblade forged from the fires of YouTube
Everything is on YouTube. You want to see it? With enough searching, you can probably find it -- hidden deep within the pits of...
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX coming to North America
Disney Interactive has confirmed Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX will be coming to the North America in fall of this year. The collection was first announced as...
‘Next Chapter’ of Kingdom Hearts coming to the West?
The "next chapter" of Square Enix's beloved Kingdom Hearts franchise could be heading to Western countries. Jesse McCartney, the voice actor for Roxas in the...
Disney hints at upcoming ‘big title’; Is it Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX?
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX, which was revealed during the Tokyo Game Show last week, is currently only scheduled to release in a Japan,...