Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain’s storyline begins when outbreaks of a fatal, mysterious virus erupt in such diverse locations as Italy, Belarus, Switzerland, and Myanmar. No one seems to know where the virus originated from
or how it has spread. The enigmatic Mara Aramov also has escaped from a high-security prison and is seen in locations all over the world. Gabe Logan suspects that Mara somehow plays a part in the outbreak of the deadly virus with the help of whoever is behind the Syphon Filter conspiracy. Put in charge of a powerful new black-box Agency, Gabe uses all of his resources in a desperate battle against the clock. He and his team battle terrorists from all over the world, as they struggle to discover who mutated the original virus, and why. If a cure is not found soon, the fate of the world’s population is in jeopardy.

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