The Mystery of Whiterock Castle tells the story of a young knave on a thrilling quest to find his beloved playmate, a princess who has mysteriously disappeared from the royal apartments. Armed with only a sword and a magnifying glass, players assume the role of the young knave who must scour countless rooms and gloomy dungeons in the meticulously detailed settings, rendered with
gorgeous hand-painted 3D graphics.
The Mystery of Whiterock Castle offers quick and easy accessibility for the most inexperienced players, allowing players to use the Wii Remote to find and collect numerous hidden objects concealed in ten different settings, either in cooperative mode, competing against other players or in a single player game.
With randomly generated objects scattered around the levels, secret nooks and
crannies and a variety of multiplayer modes and highscore lists, The Mystery of
Whiterock Castle makes for an entertaining adventure that the whole family can
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