The Walking Dead is a five-part game series set in the same universe as Robert Kirkman’s award-winning comic book series. Play as Lee Everett, a convicted criminal, who has been given a second chance at life in a world devastated by the undead. With corpses returning to life and survivors stopping at nothing to maintain their own safety, protecting an orphaned girl named Clementine may offer him redemption in a world gone to hell.
Telltale Games redeems itself with a superb game to accompany the hit series. Read Review
[Watch] Overkill’s The Walking Dead gets new trailer; Set in Washington D.C.
The Walking Dead is one of the biggest properties in pop culture right now. It has two TV shows, a long-running comic book series...
Review-in-Progress: The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series – A New Frontier’s third episode takes...
A New Frontier: Episode 3: Above the Law
A New Frontier’s third episode is here, and it starts off by continuing an established pattern. Once...
[Watch] Telltale’s The Walking Dead: A New Frontier retail and episode 3 release date...
The retail edition for Telltale's The Walking Dead: A New Frontier has been announced, and it will include the first two episodes The Ties...
The Walking Dead producers say they didn’t dial back violence after fan backlash
A report surfaced last week about The Walking Dead premiere and how violence was dialed back by the producers after fan backlash. The show's...
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Launches Today With Two Episodes
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series is a critically acclaimed series from Telltale set in the world created by Robert Kirkman is finally seeing...
Here’s how to import your Telltale’s The Walking Dead saves to The New Frontier...
As a reminder, when Telltale's The Walking Dead: The New Frontier launches next week it will be only on the current generation of consoles....
[Watch] TGA 2016: Telltale Games reveals extended look at The Walking Dead: A New...
Telltale Games' The Walking Dead shocked gamers in 2012 due to the studio's ability to tell an incredibly emotional story in a scary universe....
E3 2016: Telltale’s The Walking Dead season 3 details revealed, will continue Clementine storyline
Telltale has finally unveiled the future of one of its most beloved series -- The Walking Dead. Many fans were left with a big...
Telltale’s The Walking Dead Season 3 will bring back comic book tie-ins and Clementine
Telltale Games has done their best to keep us busy as we wait for the third season of The Walking Dead with the Michonne...
Here’s our first look at The Walking Dead: Michonne Episode 2
Earlier this month, Telltale Games released the official release date for Episode Two 'Give No Shelter' of the three-part mini series, The Walking Dead: Michonne. The...