PSN down after suffering DDOS attack

PSN down.

Sony isn’t expected to begin maintenance on the PlayStation Network until tomorrow, but PlayStation users were surprised to wake up and find that the online service is already down.

Upon trying to login to PSN, users are greeted with error code “NW-31456-9,” which reads “Cannot connect to the server within the time limit.”

I got the error code: “NW-31201-7,” which simply reads “Cannot connect to the server.”

Apparently, it is the result of a DDOS attack by a hacking group known as Lizard Squad. The group, which apparently has nothing better to do with their time, admitted to the hacking, but didn’t really give a reason other than the usual “Sony is a greedy corporation” excuse.

The official Sony PlayStation hasn’t confirmed if this is the case, but Sony Online Entertainment president John Smedley acknowledged the “large scale DDOS,” adding that “it’s almost under control now.”, Riot Games’ League of Legends, and Grinding Gears’ Path of Exile have also reportedly been attacked.

What a nice way to start a lovely Sunday morning. I really hate this hacker crap.

Meanwhile, Sony is expected to perform actual maintenance tomorrow.

Feel free to bi*ch about hackers with me on Twitter: @Matt_GZ.