Video game retailer GameStop will no longer carry the 8GB Wii U. As of June 18, all stores in the chain will need to return all new/unopened Wii U Basic models, according to an email sent to Kotaku. The notice reads:
Nintendo Wii U Basic Recall – Two Week Preparation On Tuesday, 6/18, all stories will need to return all new/unopened Wii U Basic (020359). .. Stores that have 10 or more in stock will receive shipping cartons from the [distribution center]. .. All other stores will need to save shipping cartons for this recall.
Although GameStop has confirmed that a recall has been initiated, they did not explain why. Nintendo has not offered any comment.
In that case, let's start the speculation. Have poor sales of the 8GB Wii U, which after the mandatory system can't even hold some games on its internal storage, led to Nintendo or GameStop's decision to stop carrying the unit? Perhaps it just doesn't pay to carry two separate consoles when the obvious better choice is just $50 more. And who knows if a price cut is planned for E3.
We'll be sure to keep you updated with what we learn.