It was an iconic moment last year for those who witnessed at Sony's E3 press conference nine indie developers — now known as the "Indie 9" — all on stage at perhaps the biggest gaming event in the world. And now about a year later, with E3 2014 right around the corner, Sony has revisited that moment, catching up with the Indie 9 in a new video.
"Back then, I had the incredible pleasure of introducing nine indie developers making PS4 games on-stage during our press conference — probably my proudest moment of the show," said Adam Boyes, SCEA's Vice President of Developer and Publisher Relations. "We thought it would be fun to check-in with these nine developers one year later, seeing what it has been like for them to develop on PS4 and work with PlayStation in general."
Since last year's E3, we've see the launch of Don't Starve, Outlast (and the Whistleblower DLC), Mercenary Kings, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, and Transistor. "Each game has been welcomed with anticipation and excitement by the PS4 community, and we’ve still got several more still to come," Boyes said, adding that the developers for Oddworld: New N' Tasty, Ray's The Dead, Secret Ponchos, and GALAK-Z: The Dimensional are "still hard at work to finish their games and get them in your hands."
While today's video sort of catches us up on the Indie 9, I'm sure we'll meet a brand new batch of indie developers at this year's E3. Can't wait.