Agarest: Generations of War 2 is making its way to Steam

Such war. Much generations.

Over the last year we’ve seen the Agarest games making their presence known on Steam. To continue this trend, the only next logical move is to port Agarest: Generations of War 2 onto PC. Not only is Ghostlight brining it over, it’s being released a week from now – February 19th for $19.99. If you preorder before release, you’ll get an additional 33% pre-purchase shaved off the price.

But wait, there’s more! If you preorder you get all sorts of other stuffs for free! Folk who preorder will get DLC Bundle #6 which includes Leonhardt, Valeria, and Myu from previous games and extra costumes for several members of the cast. For saving 33% off the game, you’ll also receive this $7,99 DLC for nothing – so yea, that's a whole lot for $13.39.

Where Agarest: Generations of War 2 only use to live on PS3, now you can play in on the comfort of your PC. Good deals all around.